
Tuesday, March 11


Ladies - they're just fabulous.

Trouser-burstingly adorable, intelligent and generally splendid. They've also been responsible for some of the best music around...

Welcome to this webpage, which has been put together by that headless old fool mr obscure in order to investigate and celebrate compositions sung by the feminine ones down the decades.

The criteria for inclusion is laughably simple - they must be female solo artists and/or girls who sing lead in a group, and mr obscure must like their stuff.

There will be 30 new tracks every two months for you to listen to and/or download, each new batch replacing the one before.

After a few months you'll be able to build your own dazzling girly mp3 archive! So - please return to this page
on the 1st of March 2017 for 30 more womanly treasures, OK?

lingerie killer

lingerie killer

download instructions

download instructions





buffer text

There may be a bit of a pause when playing
the tracks live on the page,
as each one has to 'buffer' before
relaying the audio.
It may depend on how powerful the processor on
your computer is; it usually only takes
a few seconds, so stick around.




meta etc

meta etc



TITD link

audiobookj smaller

small signpost

white gloves

white gloves

radio obscure SMALL



email thing SMALL

email thing SMALL

links banner

links banner

my logo

my logo

code 1